22. 6.4.11 League teams in U11 and above will be restricted to four(4) tournaments. Not including League, Zone, or Provincial Tournaments.
Please HNB Listing of tournaments please click here
The Tournament tab is at the top on the right, choose the division that applies to your team.
All travel and/or exhibition game permits are submitted electronically. A travel permit must be filled out for any game outside of the regular season schedule, even if it is a home game (i.e. exhibition, tournaments). This does not include rescheduling a required leage game. E-permits must be submitted by noon on Thursday for weekend games or the following week. You will receive notification once the district director has approved or rejected the permit. The steps to follow are at this link.
HNB Special Events Sanction Form (INCLUDING DRYLAND): Teams that have "special events" including dry land need to complete an onlne form for insurance purposes at this link. As an example, dry land would be a weekly event but would not require a form for each and every event. You would indicate that it was weekly on the form...from October thru March.
a) Hockey Canada adopted an online special event sanctioning program. Teams must submit an online Certificate of Insurance Request via the link provided below. The branch will review all eligible online requests. BFL will issue the Certificate of insurance for eligible requests. Once approved by BFL, the certificate of insurance will be sent to the branch who will forward it to the CLUB/TEAM/ASSOCIATION. The process can take up to 5 business days.
b) Only eligible hockey-related events/activities, including dry-land training will be sanctioned as per Hockey Canada guidelines. 8.25.2020
All Managers should read with NBMHC Operations Manual